Take off secure
take off secure
Once you have secured funding for your start-up project with StartUpSecure KASTEL, your next big challenge awaits you: How do I implement my research project? How do I find project partners for a pilot project? Who can provide me with answers to technological questions? How do I found a company? And how do I keep my start-up going?
With TAKE OFF SECURE – the Individual Acclerator – StartUpSecure KASTEL supports identified start-up projects before, during and after funding.
We accompany you as follows:
– in the elaboration of your business strategy;
– in the revision of your business model;
– in the search for further financing possibilities;
– Founder alumni and KIT Industry Experts are available as mentors to help you with your problems;
– we involve you as a speaker at relevant events;
– we connect you with interested industry partners and venture capitalists.
With TAKE OFF SECURE your solution will have a successful brand launch and it will help you to establish your start-up. Write to us and make an individual appointment so that we can address your individual needs.
We are looking forward to meeting you!