These are the winners of Founder Pitch 2021
Daniela Musial-Lemberg
In the competition, six start-ups covered a thematic range from autonomous driving and quantum computing to a menopause app. The KIT spin-off catavis (Green Chemistry) emerged as a double winner from the pitch.
Teams and jury
Six start-ups have mastered the technical and mental challenge at the first digital founder pitch. catavis, femfeel, GoQuantum, MARA Solutions, safeAD and Suncast streamed live from the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT in front of more than 500 digital viewers.
The four-member expert jury, partly on site (Dr. Max Riedel, Head of Zeiss Innovation HUB @ KIT and Alin Semenescu, start-up and succession advisor at Sparkasse Karlsruhe) partly digitally connected (Dr. Gernot Berger, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds and Moritz Luck, Partner at SilverScale Capital GmbH) discussed their decision for almost an hour afterwards, which was then announced live at around 5:30 pm.
Here are the rankings
The women’s power duo from femfeel took 3rd place (1,000 euros), which was presented by Alin Semenescu on behalf of Sparkasse Karlsruhe. Second place went to MARA Solutions GmbH, who were happy about the 2,000 euros prize money, sponsored by the Zeiss Innovation Hub @ KIT. The founding team of KIT spin-off catavis won twice and could hardly believe their luck. The winner’s prize of 3,000 euros was donated by SilverScale Capital GmbH and the audience prize of 500 euros was provided by the long-time NEULAND Gründerpitch partner, High-Tech Gründerfonds. We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the teams on their way to a successful start-up.
If you want to know more details about the individual teams, you can read it in our blog post These are the teams at Gründerpitch 2021.
We congratulate all teams from the bottom of our hearts and say THANK YOU for a great Founder Pitch 2021.